Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 01:26PM
Anthony Inneo

So you caught me with my pants down.  Big deal.  Which isn't so bad since I've been told (on a number of occasions) that I've got great-looking buns.

Seriously speaking, I've come to realize that this part of the website, being the CEO of me, ain't going to be easy to maintain.  Clearly it will take a lot more preparation and focus than I had anticipated.  So with the help of Cahn/Chaplin lyrics, keep in mind that "This is my first affair - so please be kind."

My gut feeling about this section is that it's going to be the most exciting, interesting and creative part for me.  AND you.  Because if you take a second to glance down at the bottom of this page, you'll see a link for you to Comment on what you've read.  Just don't go crazy, OK? 

Having retired recently (and early) from corporate America - boy, are there stories there! - I should have time to keep you up-to-date on my thoughts - general and specific - and opinions about a lot of things. 

You know, I'm really glad they're going to close Guantanamo because what I may say here just might get me a free ticket there.  But isn't freedom of speech really what America is all about? ...Okay, okay, well, we can talk about that, too.

To Be Continued....(I swear)


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